

Grand Opening of CEO’s New Playgrounds

Jun 25, 2018 | Announcements

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In partnership with Head Start & CAP COM Federal Credit Union, CEO celebrates the opening of two new facilities to benefit Classrooms in Troy and Lansingburgh

TROY NY—CEO will be joined by representatives from CAP COM Federal Credit Union and their charitable giving arm, CAP COM Cares Foundation to celebrate the grand opening of two new playgrounds at the Community Resource Center on Fifth Avenue in Troy, and at the Lansingburgh Family Resource Center on Fourth Avenue in Lansingburgh. The project which was initiated last fall after CEO received a large Health & Safety Grant from Head Start, took a huge volunteer effort and additional funding from CAP COM to complete. The final touches were completed this spring and both playgrounds are now ready for the children to enjoy.

  • Friday, June 29th, 2018 at 11:00am | CEO’s Community Resource Center, 2328 5th Avenue, Troy, NY 12180
  • Friday, June 29th, 2018 at 1:00pm | Ice Cream Social Celebration at the Lansingburgh FRC, 754 4th Avenue, Troy, NY 12180



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