
General News

COVID-19 Early Childhood Services Update

Mar 27, 2020 | General News

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Based on the ongoing developments of this public health crisis, we will be unable to resume programming on Monday, March 30, 2020 as anticipated.  We will continue to monitor updates and hope to resume programming as soon as advised by local and state officials.

We understand that this situation has been very difficult on children and families and we’re committed to supporting you as best as possible during this period of program interruption.  In an effort to continue your child’s educational development and parent support services, the leadership team of the Early Childhood Program, in conjunction with center staff, has been working to identify non-traditional methods to keep children and families engaged utilizing technology and a little creativity.  Please follow and like our Facebook page, CEO Early Childhood Services,,for updates and virtual engagement opportunities.

Beginning next week, the center staff will be contacting each family to ensure everyone is faring well and will discuss opportunities for continued educational and/or developmental progress.   If you have any questions or require any additional support during this time, please contact Tia Nunziato at  or your Center Manager for assistance.  Although we are not in the office or centers, emails and phones are monitored regularly.

Now is a good time to complete your 2020 Census form; this is the first time it can be completed online or on the phone.  Remember, your answers to the Census are 100% confidential and vitally important for you, your family and our community.  Please count everyone in your household, even if they aren’t related to you – and don’t forget to count children.

Please stay healthy and continue to monitor all CDC COVID-19 guidance.

We look forward to having everyone back in a regular programming routine soon!



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