
General News

Covid-19 Update to all CEO Staff and Customers

Apr 1, 2020 | General News

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As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the temporary closure of all CEO Sites have been extended through  May 15th to adhere with the Governor’s New York on PAUSE order.

The Food Pantry will continue to operate from 9:30am to 3pm daily with visitor restrictions. The Food Pantry will be closed on Wednesdays to allow for a food delivery. Anyone requiring services should call  518-272-6012 for an appointment or assistance.

WIC will continue to operate with a remote model Monday through Friday. Staff will call you at or around your scheduled appointment time. If you are new to the program, missed an appointment or have any questions, please call (518) 272-6159 and leave a message with your name and phone number so a staff can call you back during regular business hours. Please note that the call back number may be different than the office number.

Early Childhood Programs will be closed until May 15th, unless otherwise extended by New York State.  If assistance is needed throughout this time, please contact your child’s site center manager.



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Dine to Donate at the Recovery Room

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