
General News

A Note on the Death of Ayshawn Davis

Sep 17, 2020 | General News

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We at CEO were shocked and saddened to learn of the tragic death of Ayshawn Davis over the weekend.  A shooting within our community is always terrible, but the loss of a child to gun violence is troubling beyond words. As a Community Action Agency operating just blocks from Old Sixth, this incident hits especially close to home for our staff and customers.  As members of this community, our hearts go out to the family and friends of Ayshawn. This is a dark moment for Troy. Ayshawn was only eleven, a child, and already a strong fixture in the community. His death marks a catastrophic loss of a life, and a deep wound in this community.

As an agency showing community support, we will be working together with other vested parties to identify ways to help improve the safety of the community, such as increased lighting and working cameras. We can’t do anything to lessen the hurt and grief felt by the family and community in this moment, but we will do what we can to increase the safety and well-being of our neighborhood for the future.

If you or someone you know has information regarding the Ayshawn Davis homicide investigation, please contact #TroyNY Police at (518) 270-4772 or report anonymously at



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