
General News

World Breastfeeding Week Goes Virtual

Jul 15, 2020 | General News

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World Breastfeeding Week is an annual WIC event. This year it will take place from August 1-7th, but it will look a little different. We are making this virtual, which will allow us to add even more events to the celebration. We wanted to make sure that we still offered a wide variety of programming for parents , families and supporters to be able to join our celebration.

We hope to see you there!

Daily themes for World Breastfeeding Week:

August 3rd: Pregnancy : getting ready for baby . How to be a successful breast feeder ? 10 AM & 6 Pm

August 4th: Current breastfeeding mothers : open discussion about breastfeeding 2PM  & 6 PM

August 5th: Extended breastfeeding & getting ready to wean 6PM

August 6th: Breastfeeding multiples 5 PM

August 7th: Open breastfeeding discussion : celebrating all mothers, families and babies 1 PM



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